Sometimes it’s difficult to remember the different stages of development with this age gap. You know, like the inquisitive stage, where youngsters constantly ask the question “why?” My nearly 6-year-old son currently fits comfortably in this category.
Each day we start off with a new slate and a new slew of questions, some hurled one after another at me like the constant fire of a machine gun. So fast, in fact, it’s nearly impossible to keep up and I simply stagger under the barrage.
Why is there frost on the grass? Why is sissy crying? Why do I have to wear a seat belt? As the day wears on, my patience tends to wear out. Why? Why? WHY?
“BECAUSE I SAID SO!” I say, grimacing under the weight of this oft-used, time-worn parental response to another of my son’s innocent inquiries.
I feel worse when my little cutie pie adds with widened eyes, “But, I just wanna know why, mommy.”
Ask me again tomorrow, son, ask me again tomorrow.
written for http://blog.sacramentoparent.com