Monday, February 22, 2010

Some Days

Some days I stop and take a long look at my children:

The curve of their chins, long lashes resting on soft cheeks and dark locks.

Some days they resemble the toddlers still found in photographs.

Some days my two act more mature than their combined years.

Some days I yearn for years past when they fit so snug in my lap.

Some days I hold them there, ignoring lanky limbs that dangle from the old armchair.

Some days, like this one, I simply cherish their presence.
Today they are here. And they are mine.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Be The Change

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to be an adult volunteer for a 7th grade Challenge Day at my neighborhood school. 

I spent a good part of the day prior trying to talk myself out of going, even though I have been looking forward to participating since dropping out due to a family emergency last year. Grumpy and overwhelmed by the clutter in my house, I kept telling myself I could better use seven hours on chores.

In the end, I managed to get up, get the kids out of the house and arrive to the school on time for the program. Three days later, I am so glad I did! Friends’ descriptions did not prepare me for this fantastic and intense experience.

Challenge Day is a series of activities - some fun, some serious - meant to break down the facade people tend to hide behind. By becoming “real” with one another and sharing our fears and dreams, participants develop a better understanding of their fellow human beings.

One of the exercises had participants cross a line every time something described applied to them. As I watched many young people cross the line again again, I was overwhelmed with the reality of how much children have to endure - from racism to the loss of a parent.

When I returned to my small group, I shared what I learned from the exercise… If I had known other kids were also facing challenges at home and at school when I was their age, life would have been just a little easier. This is something I want to hold onto as my kids get older.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Much Ado About School Closures

If you live in the Sacramento region, and pay any attention at all to news of public education’s demise, you’ve heard about plans by several local school districts to close/consolidate campuses in the coming year(s).

I live in the Natomas Unified School District where a history of poor decisions, poor money management and equally poor public relations make the board of trustees’ decision to close a school (or two) even harder to swallow than in neighboring districts.

One thing is certain, our schools - no matter the number of impassioned and involved parents - are an endangered species. And I’m not just talking about those slated for closure.

Public education dollars continue to dwindle and little relief is in sight even if Race To The Top provides an injection of funds. What are proponents of public education to do?

I don’t pretend to have the answer, but the important thing to remember is that my school district - and your school district - are not alone in this scenario. Perhaps we can work together on a solution. 

written for