Thursday, March 25, 2010

Eyes Wide Open

seeclearly2Everywhere I look lately, I am noticing things in a way I never did before.

Is it a child’s recent diagnosis of ADHD? The friend who thinks her son might have Asperger’s? The couple met by chance with a child at 13  struggling with Fragile X?

Or is it that those with “special needs” have become more mainstream media fare?

There is the Temple Grandin biopic airing on HBO, the TV series “Parenthood,” Jodi Picoult’s new novel “House Rules,” and an essay this month in “Harper’s” magazine. All around me are images and stories - some fictional, most real - about parents raising children with special needs.

At times it can be overwhelming, taking it all in. But mostly it is freeing.

I see the look of recognition between grownups over towheaded children. Kindred spirits thanks to an experience so unique, suddenly shared.

It is also empowering. With each encounter, each story, we learn more. Not just about children whose journeys veer from the path followed by most, but about ourselves and strength found in advocating for our young.

Are things so different than in our parents’ day? Are diagnosis such as autism, Asperger’s or Fragile X really new? Or is it really that our eyes, ears, hearts and minds are open now to the fact that there are differences in some children that are really “OK.”

I can see clearly now.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Luck Of The Irish

So the other day, one of my kids found a four-leaf clover. No kidding!

I, too, was skeptical when my daughter ran up to me claiming her find after poring over the grass on her school campus. I mean, who hasn’t looked and looked to no avail?

When she handed me the clover, I gingerly turned the stem between my thumb and index finger: One… two… three… FOUR!

“I told you,” she said with a big grin.

Now, I don’t consider myself an overly superstitious sort but when we spotted a rainbow an hour later, it was very tempting not to give in to my kids’ pleas to go looking for a pot of gold at one end (or the other).

As we prepared to have friends over to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day yesterday, I hung the now dried-out four-leaf clover on our refrigerator per my daughter’s request. And I got to thinking.

Our family is already blessed, but within days of Barcelona’s clover find some positive changes happened in our lives. Sure, I know we worked hard the last few months, but I can’t help but think a little “luck of the Irish” didn’t hurt either! 

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Monday, March 08, 2010

The Wisdom Of Dr. Suess

Last week, my kids celebrated the anniversary of Dr. Seuss’s birthday with a week of activities at their school.

There were spirit days where students dressed in Seussical themes. One day everyone was encouraged to wear their pajamas, another a crazy color combination of clothing, then it was wear red-white-and-blue followed by all green - in honor of the tale “Green Eggs and Ham” of course. The middle school-age students at our K-8 campus created Seussville and lunchtime activities along with a series of poster put up around campus (see photos).

The school’s PTSA group hosted a Family Reading Night during which many of Dr. Seuss’s popular titles were read aloud to listeners of all ages. There’s something special about hearing “The Sneetches” - or any of Dr. Seuss’s stories - read aloud. As a parent, it is not often that I get to sit back and listen to someone read to me.

The week long festivities were a fun tribute to one of the best children’s authors ever. It was also the perfect time to enjoy the pleasure of reading his words and the insight they still  give us today.

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